Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tiff day 4

Saw Kristin Wiig unfunny comedy Imogene. Like watching a great cast incl Matt Dillon and Annette Bening in a train wreck. Screenplay confuses ridiculousness for humor.

Always happens. As I see more films my batting average goes down.

Then went to Middle of Nowhere.  Despite the bland title, the film held me due to fine performances from cast of unknowns except Sharon Lawrence from NYPD Blue, (who I met at a wedding years ago). A bit short on story, and long on dialogue for my taste but good direction elevated it from typical indie fare.

I couldn't get into sex addict comedy Thanks For Sharing--interesting comment on interests of tiff press and Industry passholders--so saw neorealist Hawaiian drama Land of Eb about expat Marshall Islanders relocated to Hawaii after the US detonated atomic bomb tests on their homeland. But lack of story didn't make up for the rigorous authenticity on screen. Admired and respected more than enjoyed.

And still no party invites.

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