Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Little Mosque appearances coming up

My recurring role as the extremist Faisal on CBC TV's hit sitcom Little Mosque on the Prairie will see me on the show often between now and the season finale.

Last week's episode, "Recipe for Disaster" written by Claire Ross Dunn and directed by Brian Roberts saw me, as Faisal, at a Muslim marriage workshop and enduring some wicked rib smashes from my long-suffering wife but lovely wife, Mufeeda.

If you missed the episode you can purchase it from iTunes or stream it from the website.

Next week's show involves me cranking Baber, played by the terrific Manoj Sood, into demanding separate entrances for men and women at the mosque. As there's only one entrance, it's going to be a problem.

The show's a lighthearted look at small town life from a unique perspective. By placing Muslim characters at the forefront, the show becomes both mainstream and subversive at the same time.

And that's a good thing.

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